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In this section you can find relevant legislation (national and supranational), applied to issues related to Bioethics and Technoethics.


A legal text of general interest in the field of biomedicine is the Council's of Europe Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, known as the Oviedo Convention, that Greece has incorporated to national legislation by law 2619/1998. Another text of reference in the field of biomedicine is the UNESCO's Universal Declaration on Human Genome and Human Rights, which however lacks legal binding force.

Greece has signed, but not yet ratified, the recent Additional Protocol on Biomedical Research to the Oviedo Convention. Human subject experimentation and especially clinical trials are regulated by the 2003 Ministerial Decision ΔΥΓ/89292, which harmonized national legislation with the EU Directive 2001/20.

Personal medical and genetic data are regulated by law 2472/1997 protecting all personal data, including the sensitive ones. Finally the only text, but not legally binding, that deals specifically with genetic data is the UNESCO's International Declaration on Human Genetic Data.






The Commission offers to students, mostly postgraduates, both from human and life sciences the Possibility of training on issues related to bioethics

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Educational Seminars

The Commission organizes educational seminars covering a wide range of bioethics issues

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Bioethics go to school

The Commission organizes educational activities for schools (Secondary Schools and High Schools) related to bioethics

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