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Terms of Reference

The National Commission for Bioethics and Technoethics is an independent advisory body of the State in the fields of life sciences and new technologies in general.

National Bioethics and Technoethics Commission (Commission) was established on 28 February 2021 with founding law 4780/2021.

The Commission reports to the Prime Minister and is administratively and financially supported by the Presidency of the Government, its costs being covered by the budget of the Presidency of the Government.

Its competences and terms of reference are provided for in its founding law 4780/2021.

The Commission constitutes a consultative body of the State in the fields of life sciences and new technologies in general. Its mission is to examine the ethical, social and legal dimensions and consequences mostly of the fields of biology, biotechnology, medicine and genetics, and of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, advanced algorithms and robotics.

The Commission has primarily the following competences:

(a) formulates overall policy and special acts proposals, provides relevant guidelines and consults on issues related to its mission,

(b) represents the Country in international organizations for issues related to its mission,

(c) deploys initiatives to raise public awareness about issues related to its mission,

(d) participates in legislative drafting committees for issues related to its mission or delivers an Opinion about relevant provisions before they get submitted,

(e) examines the adaptation of Greek legislation to the provisions of the International and EU law and proposes regulation arrangements about issues related to its mission,

(f) draws up and submits reports following the article 34,

(g) establishes working groups for issues related to its mission, that are composed of specialized public sector staff or private experts, defines their organizational and operational model and supervises their work, and

(h) organizes events for issues related to its mission.


The Commission offers to students, mostly postgraduates, both from human and life sciences the Possibility of training on issues related to bioethics

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Educational Seminars

The Commission organizes educational seminars covering a wide range of bioethics issues

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Bioethics go to school

The Commission organizes educational activities for schools (Secondary Schools and High Schools) related to bioethics

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